School of Design Annual
2004-06 Annual of student work
After graduation I worked for the School of Design at George Brown College creating their Annual of student work. We used LEGO bricks as a metaphor for the courses that students took to build their skills. The front and back covers were embossed & debossed with a stud pattern. Interstitial pages featuring transforming bricks created transitions from the cover into the main content and between sections.
We hit about the metaphor of interlocking building bricks (unbranded) as the component of a design eduction at the School of Design. The theme started from the momonet you picked up the book.
The front and back covers were embossed and deboosed with a brick stud pattern, giving the slight ability to stack the books. The first interstitial pages were an illustrated journey from the 3D would outside the book into the 2D layouts with in, while the same illustration subject matter served as transitions between the programmes—Foundations, Graphic Design, and Post Graduate studies. (Brick illustrations created by book co-designer Jane Webber).